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Hello Greenies, 

I had to come on and do a real quick update about going back to school that needs urgent attention and action. Distance learning has been real hard on everyone in more ways than one, but it has also been hard on our children with the extra screen time and exposure to EMF radiation. If you choose to send your child back to school, either full time or on a hybrid schedule, they can still be in danger of being exposed to EMF radiation.

Students are most likely going to go back with a majority of assignments still done on personal tablets in order to reduce the number of paper exchanges. With each child having a personal tablet on their desk, there could be a total of 15 wireless tablets in a room at any given time. This is a lot of radio frequency that will be buzzing around our precious children’s developing brains. And children are at a higher risk of damage caused by EMF radiation because their brains are still developing and their skulls are thinner. Some of this damage can include immediate side effects like headaches, dizziness and nausea. Now pair that with wearing your mask all day, which can cause the same side effects, and you have one very toxic learning environment. And let’s not forget some of the long term side effects of EMF radiation which can cause cancer, changes in DNA, weakened immune system response (not good during COVID), and harm to the reproductive system. None of this sounds like the future we want for our children. We want them all to go back “safely”, but safely means more than wearing 3 masks, limiting social interactions and cleaning every single surface 20 times a day.

Let’s Take Action!

Moms Across America have partnered together with Tech Safe Schools to help bring awareness to school admin and tech services about the dangers wireless devices can have on our children. To help minimize exposure, ethernet ports can be installed into classrooms to ground every laptop device. Visit Moms Across America to read more about the actions you can take to advocate for your child’s safety. On their site they have a real easy one-click email pre-drafted to send to your school admin and PTA to inform them of wireless dangers and a solution they can take. There also is access to three free webinars, starting March 9th, 2021, going into detail about this topic. You won’t want to miss it! Send the emails to all who are concerned and mark your calendars!

Stay safe everyone!

Take Action Now!

Please join us in rasing awareness. Spread the word by going to Moms Across America and sending a one-click, pre-drafted email to your school’s principal, chief techology officer, PTA board, and other concerned parents. It’s quick and easy!

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